The EDGE SKILLS european project
Grande Ecole du Numérique takes part in the EDGE SKILLS european project in order to analyze the adequacy of digital skills to develop cutting-edge technologies for the benefit of all European citizens.
The project
Grande Ecole du Numérique with its ecosystem for matching and analyzing digital skills, aimed at bridging the digital skills gap in Europe. This project focuses on the analysis and matching of digital skills to develop cutting-edge technologies for the benefit of all European citizen.
We will provide different types of data sets:
- A Map API of existing digital jobs
- The digital training offers list in France
- A digital job stress index
Our project GEN_SCAN focuses on the analysis and matching of digital skills can be used by everyone interested in the state of the digital sector: Government, companies, digital training providers, individuals… and could benefit of all European citizen :
- As a Government, I can use the map API of existing digital jobs and deploy it allow companies and people to compare digital skills sought, jobs offers and existing digital trainings.
- As a student or individual, I can use the unique search engine provided by GEN to search for digital trainings around me. I can also check the number of jobs around me and the matching training programs for those jobs.
- As a training organization, I can create new training programs or adapt them if there a lot of specific jobs available in the region
- As a company, I can hire specific profiles if there are people trained to that job in my area
- For anyone curious, I can see the state of the digital sector with its evolution month by month and I can check the weak signals about new jobs in the digital sector
GEN had released an API of its digital jobs map for every stakeholder to use it in France and why not in a second time in the whole Europe. This map evolves frequently thanks to a work group made up of professionals and experts in the digital sector.
We also hope to release soon an API with all digital training providers in France and their training programs that will be regularly updated.
The "Data Ecosystems" work package
GEN takes part of the "Data Ecosystems" work package and is a use case leader in the EDGE SKILLS project. Our use case is named "Enhance GEN_SCAN and create a digital skills assessment tool to promote up-skilling and re-skilling of people". These are the targets of the use case:
- We want to add the skills associated to each job on our digital job map to make it more functional.
- We want to optimize our observatory by adding new features and make it always more relevant.
- We also want to create an online tool for people to assess their digital skills in order to up-skill or re-skill and match them with digital job offers according to their skills or guide them towards relevant training offers.
With the help of different partners of the project, we aim to achieve our use case by the end of 2025.
Public launch
The project was publicly launched on January 23rd and 24th in Paris with all the partners. During these two days, some use cases and building blocks were presented and also the main infrastructure. Workshops and round tables have also been organized to allow every partner to meet each other and exchange their ideas and begin to work together.
If you missed the public launch, feel free to watch the recording on that video:
You can also download the presentation of the public launch and find the LinkedIn publication for the launch.
Further information
The Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)