Master mention traitement du signal et des images (M2) - parcours mobile, autonomous and robotic systems - Master TSI - MARS
Objectifs de la formation
The Master degree in Robotics and Autonomous Systems aims at offering an international master program that allows a better understanding of technical and scientific aspects of connected and autonomous mobile robotic systems and to understand their interactions. It englobes an advanced academic program on: • Mobile and aerial robots that can act and evolve autonomously in complex environments. • Perception for detection and tracking of moving objects. • Navigation and Path Planning • Robotic operating system (ROS) • Artificial intelligence planning for autonomous robots requiring little or no supervision • Machine learning • Advanced methods for optimal control and predictive control • Methods to monitor and diagnose dynamic systems with a study on the reliability of a systems subject to failure • Distributed optimization and game theory • Embedded systems: microcontrollers architectures and sensors for robotics • Cyber-security: Make risk analysis, detect cyber-attacks and develop strategies. Implement some cyber-security mechanisms, on the communication infrastructure and on the robot systems • Intelligent mobility and transportation to improve the safety of the vehicle and the comfort of the passengers, as well as the detection and reconfiguration of the controllers in case of emergency. • Multi-vehicle coordination, in the perspective of understanding the behavior of groups of autonomous and non-autonomous robotic systems. This program is intended for a public wanting to work in the field of robotics, automotive, aeronautics, and industry. The courses are given by highly qualified intentionally known staff. The training is supported by researchers from associated research laboratories and practitioners from industrial partners.
Contenu de la formation
Core courses – 20 ECTS (5 ECTS for each course): • Artificial Intelligence: The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the main techniques of artificial intelligence and a thorough understanding of how to apply them to the robotics and autonomous systems. • Robotics: The course will focus on the kinematics and control of mobile robots, the environment perception, probabilistic localization and mapping, as well as movement planning. The courses and exercises of this course present several types of robots such as wheeled robots, leg robots and drones. Practical work will be performed with drones. • Advanced control: In this course different control techniques will be taught such as Robust, nonlinear, model predictive controls. • Research project on a subject related to robotic systems, autonomous vehicles, and drones. Students will be integrated into research teams of partner laboratories. Elective courses – 10 ECTS (2 courses out of 4): • Smart transportation: This course will present a diverse but synergistic body of knowledge in order to understand the functioning of the future smart city and mobility. • Cyber-security and embedded systems for robotics: This course aims to develop skills necessary for the development and implementation of embedded systems. Students will study the particular constraints of "embedded" robotic-type systems such as implementation constraints and the limits in terms of security, as well as the implementation of deep security approaches combining infrastructure and stand-alone systems. The normative aspects related to robots and drones will be used in these approaches. • Distributed optimization and estimation: This course will be applied on several robotic communicating robotic mobile systems. It aims at presenting different architectures distributed optimization and identification to obtain experimentally parameters of nonlinear models of robots. Moreover, these techniques allow to control dynamically a group of underlying robots to best fit a common situation. • Diagnostic, reliability and prognostic: The objective of this course is to present the problem of monitoring, diagnosis, reliability, and predictive maintenance, and its application issues in the field of robotics and autonomous systems. Scientific culture course: ??????? • Seminars • Laboratory visits and business • Management of technical innovation • Scientific ethics • French language (FLE)
Résultats de la formation
Master mention traitement du signal et des images
Conditions spécifiques d'accès à la formation
Bac + 3, Bac + 4, Bac + 5 Courses are taught in English - B1 level required
Métier formé
Systèmes d'information embarqués
Niveau d'étude visé
Bac+5 et plus
Type d'immersion professionnelle
Formation initiale
Organisme de formation
Institut polytechnique de Grenoble
Durée de la formation
10 mois
Modalités de formation
formation entièrement présentielle
Prochaine(s) session(s)
- 01/09/2024 - 30/06/2025